Quick Bio

Mariko Tomomi


5’1’’ / 154.94 cm || 125 lbs / 56.7 kg


Main Information


When it comes to finding the most miserable, hopeless entertainment that shows you the futility of life and everything you’ve ever done, the short films directed by Mariko Tomomi are the best you can find that’ll scratch that itch to be depressed about your future. Her first and most popular work, Street Bound cemented her reputation as a storyteller who wanted to bring her audience not fulfillment and catharsis, but emptiness. While many decry her work as overly depressing and pretentious, she has a diehard base who believe that everything she makes tells the truth about the world we live in, and that anyone who believes otherwise is a misled fool who watched too many Disney Princess movies as a kid.

Run while you still can.

Lore Summary

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Trivia and Fun Stuff

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